The White Problem

The White Problem by Jon Tuttle

Productions (6)
45 - 60 minutes
2 M, 
Content Notes: Some adult language
Set: One or two podiums on a bare stage.

The White Problem dramatizes the remarkable life of Richard Greener, the first African-American to graduate from Harvard and one of the leading black intellectuals of the post-Reconstruction era. Facing a future rich with promise, he instead became a pawn in the battle for the hearts and minds of black Americans, was rejected by his wife and children, and died senile and utterly alone. Much of the text -- and the title -- is taken directly from his essays, speeches, and personal papers, and also incorporates the voices of Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois and others.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

The White Problem dramatizes the remarkable life of Richard Greener, the first African-American to graduate from Harvard and one of the leading black intellectuals of the post-Reconstruction era. Facing a future rich with promise, he instead became a pawn in the battle for the hearts and minds of black Americans, was rejected by his wife and children, and died senile and utterly alone. Much of the text -- and the title -- is taken directly from his essays, speeches, and personal papers, and also incorporates the voices of Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois and others.

  • Drama
  • |
  • 45 - 60 minutes
  • 2 M, 
  • Content Notes: Some adult language
  • Set: One or two podiums on a bare stage.

Published Reviews

"A powerful text ... resonates on historical, literary and personal levels... In a master stroke, Tuttle lifts Greener's name from anonymity and ... reveals his heroism not in his race or class or gender, but in his humanity."

C. Reilly, Charleston City Paper

"A compelling piece that should be seen. It looks racism squarely in the eye. No holds barred."

Diane Sprung, Charleston Post and Courier

Production History

FEB 27, 2020 - FEB 28, 2020
Bethany College
Bethany, WV United States
Bethany CollegeBethany, WV United States
FEB 01, 2002 - FEB 28, 2002
University of South Carolina, University of South Carolina
Spartanburg, SC United States
University of South Carolina, University of South CarolinaSpartanburg, SC United States
NOV 01, 2001 - NOV 30, 2001
University of South Carolina , South Carolina State University
Orangeburg, SC United States
University of South Carolina , South Carolina State UniversityOrangeburg, SC United States
NOV 01, 2001 - NOV 30, 2001
University of South Carolina, Francis Marion University
Florence, SC United States
University of South Carolina, Francis Marion UniversityFlorence, SC United States
MAY 26, 2001 - JUN 09, 2001
Piccolo Spoleto Festival, University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC United States
Piccolo Spoleto Festival, University of South CarolinaCharleston, SC United States
APR 05, 2001 - APR 08, 2001
Longstreet Theatre, University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC United States
Longstreet Theatre, University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Awards (1)

Commissioned by the University of South Carolina for its bicentennial celebration