"A vivid portrait of seven lives bound together by the residual grief of one tragic event. Touching and poignant...Calarco has crafted intriguing characters and has an ear for naturalistic dialogue that is both savvy and witty."
"Intoxicating...a thoughtful and intense examination of how people react to loss and gather the energy to surpass tragedy and carry on with their lives."
Gail Choochan, Potomac News
"Mr. Calarco, as both writer and director has a keen sense of dramatic encounters that are both funny and ominous. He has also created memorable characters, impressively developed by this cast. The theme of lost people resonates: the mystery of the dead who were blown up, and of the living who wander away or flee, leaving those who love them torn apart."
D.J.R. Bruckner, The New York Times
"Calarco directs his script with economical elan. This is the rare play where the gay and straight relationships are given equal opportunities for romance and disarray."
Alexis Soloski, Time Out New York