Pulling off a heist is pretty tough. But that's nothing compared to pulling off an unauthorized adaptation of a popular heist movie onstage. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong when you've got a light board operator out for revenge, a dollar-store set, and a cast that's a total mess. The smooth-talking con man has crippling stage fright, the acrobat is completely uncoordinated, and the understudy keeps reading all the stage directions out loud. Can the group survive a run-through? It might be a total disaster, but it will definitely be hilarious.
- Comedy
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- 25 - 35 minutes
- 5 W, 5 M, 5 Any (15-30 actors possible: 4-26 W, 4-26 M)
Set: Single set.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-68069-052-1