A photograph captures and documents a single moment in time and space -- a snapshot of history, of a reality bounded by the photo's frame. But what lies outside, beyond, behind the photograph? And what stories, memories, or associations does an image of place inspire? In this multi-writer project from Actors Theatre of Louisville, a diverse assortment of talented playwrights encounter and transform Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, 1969, a compelling image of the monument by renowned photographer Lee Friedlander. Their thought-provoking scenes and monologues range from delightful comedy to utterly serious tragedy, each approaching the photo's themes through a new lens.
To perform the entire collection, click "Order this play" above. To perform an individual piece independently, click on its title below:
- Drama/Comedy
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- 80 - 100 minutes
- 11 W, 11 M, (4-25 actors possible: 2-15 W, 2-15 M)
Content Notes: Adult language
Set: Flexible set, suggesting various locales
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-137-9