While waiting for the increasingly unlikely arrival of two women, two men at a bar discuss the stranger sexual behaviors of the animal kingdom.
- Comedy
- |
- 17 - 20 minutes
- 2 M,
Content Notes: Adult language and content
Set: Two bar stools
While waiting for the increasingly unlikely arrival of two women, two men at a bar discuss the stranger sexual behaviors of the animal kingdom.
DEC 19, 2019 - DEC 19, 2019
Columbia Prep Theater
New York, NY United States | Columbia Prep Theater | New York, NY United States |
JUL 16, 2018 - JUL 16, 2018
Command Performers
High Wycombe, United Kingdom | Command Performers | High Wycombe, United Kingdom |
MAY 26, 2018 - MAY 27, 2018
Command Performers
Shrivenham, United Kingdom | Command Performers | Shrivenham, United Kingdom |
FEB 04, 2016 - FEB 06, 2016
Royal Productions
Minnetonka, MN United States | Royal Productions | Minnetonka, MN United States |
MAY 28, 2011 - MAY 29, 2011
Command Performers
Sleaford, United Kingdom | Command Performers | Sleaford, United Kingdom |
MAY 19, 2011 - MAY 19, 2011
Command Performers
High Wycombe, United Kingdom | Command Performers | High Wycombe, United Kingdom |
JAN 01, 1998 - JAN 31, 1998
Trilogy Theatre
New York, NY United States | Trilogy Theatre | New York, NY United States |
No upcoming productions. |
JAN 01, 1998 - JAN 31, 1998
Trilogy Theatre
New York, NY United States | Trilogy Theatre | New York, NY United States |