"Rollicking! Delicious! Half the fun is seeing if you can keep up...!"
The New York Times
"A sophisticated story of betrayal, deceit and love. Daniel Jenkins and Robert Stanton have given themselves an enormous challenge: They play all the characters in this backstage farce. Their bodies, voices and rubbery faces are the only tools they use to create an entire world. Their performances have the same deranged wit as their writing."
"Love Child is birthed before our eyes in a labor of love.... Two protean actors play all 20 or so roles in a frenetic backstage farce that would leave a full cast panting for breath. Adorably madcap...an even more compressed version of The 39 Steps (The 12 Steps, maybe?)... Jenkins and Stanton are always fun to watch and envy: These are two talented bastards!"
Time Out New York
"Daniel Jenkins and Robert Stanton expertly play about twelve characters between them in this bare-bones but hilarious farce!"
The New Yorker
"Explosive! 85 frenzied minutes of pure silliness! You probably won't have to take your mood elevators after seeing them!"
Village Voice
"An extraordinary pearl. Jenkins and Stanton make the versatile shape-shifters of The 39 Steps look like pikers. The overlapping plots are so ornate and clever, the performances (under Carl Forsman's nimble direction) are so appealing, that Love Child invites repeat viewings. Once your ribs recover, you may want to treat yourself again."
Theatre News Online
"It's difficult to find nouns to describe Love Child. Adjectives are easier--hilarious, frenetic, and brilliant are just a few which come immediately to mind. I doubt that there are many plays running in New York which deliver such satisfaction in such a short period of time. I've seen Love Child twice now, and feel like I could go back again and again, always finding something new!"
Stage and Cinema