It's a Wonderful Life - The Musical

It's a Wonderful Life - The Musical book and lyrics by Keith Ferguson, music by B...ruce GreerShow more

Productions ()
135 - 150 minutes
17 W, 23 M, 2 Any (30-50 actors possible: 8-27 W, 14-33 M)
Content Notes: It's a Wonderful Life The Musical book and lyrics by Keith Ferguson music by Bruce Greer from the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling
Set: Multiple indoor and outdoor scenes. Can be staged with minimal set pieces and furniture, or with elaborate full sets.

Based on the beloved 1946 film, this musical faithfully follows George Bailey's life from his childhood dreams to his midlife disappointments and beyond, as we all take a journey to discover whether his life has mattered at all. Cinematically scored and theatrically staged, this adaptation breathes musical life into a familiar story, while retaining the warmth, humor, and pathos of the original. A new holiday classic for devotees and newcomers alike. Read More

Play Details

Based on the beloved 1946 film, this musical faithfully follows George Bailey's life from his childhood dreams to his midlife disappointments and beyond, as we all take a journey to discover whether his life has mattered at all. Cinematically scored and theatrically staged, this adaptation breathes musical life into a familiar story, while retaining the warmth, humor, and pathos of the original. A new holiday classic for devotees and newcomers alike.

For more information, visit the playwrights' page for It's a Wonderful Life -- The Musical.

  • Musical
  • |
  • 135 - 150 minutes
  • 17 W, 23 M, 2 Any (30-50 actors possible: 8-27 W, 14-33 M)
  • Content Notes: It's a Wonderful Life The Musical book and lyrics by Keith Ferguson music by Bruce Greer from the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling
  • Set: Multiple indoor and outdoor scenes. Can be staged with minimal set pieces and furniture, or with elaborate full sets.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-121-8

Package Details

Production Packages Include

  • 0 librettos (the book and lyrics)
  • 30 Cast Script/Vocal Book
  • 1 Piano/Conductor Score
  • 1
  • 1 Rehearsal Piano Score
  • 1 orchestral set (optional) including:
    • 1 bass score
    • 1 cello score
    • 1 harp score
    • 1 horn score
    • 1 percussion score
    • 1 trombone score
    • 1 trumpet score
    • 1 viola score
    • 1 violin 1&2 score
    • 1 woodwind 1 score
    • 1 woodwind 2 score
    • 1 woodwind 3 score
    • 1 woodwind 4 score

Pricing and other details are provided during the order process. Higher quantities of some items may be purchased.

Orchestral Parts

1 bass score
1 cello score
1 harp score
1 horn score
1 percussion score
1 trombone score
1 trumpet score
1 viola score
1 violin 1&2 score
1 woodwind 1 score
1 woodwind 2 score
1 woodwind 3 score
1 woodwind 4 score

Published Reviews

"Audiences are going to be enormously entertained by this enjoyable show. It's a crowd pleaser you don't want to miss!"

Ruby Nancy, Quad-City Times (Indiana)

"The score, by Keith Ferguson and Bruce Greer, is slick and often memorable. The musical numbers and Mr. Greer's lush orchestrations are consistently impressive."

Tom Sime, The Dallas Morning News

"The 'Best Holiday Show' award goes to Quad City Music Guild's inspiring It's a Wonderful Life!"

Ruby Nancy, Quad-City Times (Indiana)

"...the children in the audience appeared to watch with rapt attention. We all did . . . the challenge of breathing new life into a story that most of us probably know far too well; familiarity with Frank Capra's movie may bring audiences to the theatre, but good luck getting us to stop thinking of the movie during its performance. Based on the enthusiastic -- and more than deserved -- standing ovation that greeted [the] curtain call, however, I doubt that any of us still had Capra on the brain. The crowd may have attended the show already loving It's a Wonderful Life, but quickly enough, it was clear that what we were loving was this particular It's a Wonderful Life."

The River Cities Reader (Illinois)