With a briefcase filled with children's books, Professor John Jr. Johnson arrives unexpectedly after a long absence to his parents' home, demanding his room back. As the repressed environment of the Johnson home is uncorked, tensions come to a head in the urban apartment of Tessa Thompson, whose parents have lost their home and are trying to claim their daughter's apartment as their own. Alternating between these two opposite and comedic worlds, The Johnsons & The Thompsons converges on the axis of alienation and primal need.
- Comedy/Drama
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- 90 - 100 minutes
- 3 W, 3 M, (4-6 actors possible: 2-3 W, 2-3 M)
- Content Notes: Adult language
- Set: Two living spaces with an iron circular staircase as part of both.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-689-3