The FFLEA Market

The FFLEA Market by Alan Haehnel

Productions (9)
30 - 40 minutes
16 W, 1 M, 8 Any (15-25 actors possible: 5-24 W, 1-10 M)
Set: Open stage or versatile platforms.

In this vignette-style satire, teenage customers come to the FFLEA Market: Fashion For Life's Every Aspect. Here, they can buy the most fashionable moods, attitudes, and phases so they can be up-to-date not just in appearance, but in every facet of their being. But are these purchases really worth the price?

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

In this vignette-style satire, teenage customers come to the FFLEA Market: Fashion For Life's Every Aspect. Here, they can buy the most fashionable moods, attitudes, and phases so they can be up-to-date not just in appearance, but in every facet of their being. But are these purchases really worth the price?

  • Comedy
  • |
  • 30 - 40 minutes
  • 16 W, 1 M, 8 Any (15-25 actors possible: 5-24 W, 1-10 M)
  • Set: Open stage or versatile platforms.

Production History

JAN 16, 2019 - JAN 17, 2019
Northwest Cabarrus Middle School Drama
Concord, NC United States
Northwest Cabarrus Middle School DramaConcord, NC United States
NOV 13, 2018 - NOV 14, 2018
Foothills Middle School
Arcadia, CA United States
Foothills Middle SchoolArcadia, CA United States
MAR 10, 2016 - MAR 11, 2016
Thompson High School Theatre
Alabaster, AL United States
Thompson High School TheatreAlabaster, AL United States
MAY 07, 2013 - MAY 07, 2013
Union Pines High School
Cameron, NC United States
Union Pines High SchoolCameron, NC United States
MAR 10, 2011 - MAR 10, 2011
Jack Britt High School
Fayetteville, NC United States
Jack Britt High SchoolFayetteville, NC United States
JUL 01, 2009 - JUL 31, 2009
Jay High School
Jay, ME United States
Jay High SchoolJay, ME United States
NOV 06, 2008 - NOV 07, 2008
Como Park Senior High School
Saint Paul, MN United States
Como Park Senior High SchoolSaint Paul, MN United States
OCT 23, 2008 - OCT 24, 2008
Manteca High School
Manteca, CA United States
Manteca High SchoolManteca, CA United States
OCT 23, 2008 - NOV 01, 2008
C.N. Haskell Middle School
Broken Arrow, OK United States
C.N. Haskell Middle SchoolBroken Arrow, OK United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Archival Video License

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License to add to your order for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

This allows you to record one of your live performances for your internal archives only. This cannot be streamed.

For more information, please reach out to