Erica Silberman has written fifteen times for "theAtrainplays." Her plays have been produced or developed at the Ensemble Studio Theatre, Metropolitan Playhouse, Weird Sisters, Six Figures, First Light Productions, The Stonington Opera House, Playwrights Horizon, and New World Stages. She was a featured writer on NPR's Studio 360 in a piece about writing under pressure of deadline. Ms. Silberman also writes screenplays and musicals, and is currently writing a memoir Nuts in my Pockets, Tissues up my Sleeves. She is the co-president of The New York Coalition of Professional Women in Arts & Media, and a mentor at Girls Write Now. She thanks her landlord Freddie Hernandez for never raising her rent. She thanks Lawrence Feeney for the opportunity to play in the land of crazy. Ms. Silberman is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.