William Nicoson is the author of The Last Moralist, A Jester at the Stone Banquet, I'm Not Bill Clinton, Counsellor Adams, and a revisionist trilogy recounting the return of Greek heroes from the Trojan War: Return to Clytemnestra, Helen of Sparta, and Death at Delphi. He has acted in summer stock, community television, and theater and academic productions. He has also directed, served as theater critic for three local newspapers, and evaluated productions in Washington, D.C. for Helen Hayes Awards. Mr. Nicoson is a graduate of Harvard Law School, an honors graduate of Princeton University, where he won the Class of 1883 Prize in English Composition and the Francis Biddle Essay Prize, and a cum laude graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy. He spent an undergraduate year at the Sorbonne, Paris, France, where he studied acting with the régisseur of the Comédie Française.