Ian McWethy is the author of over fifty plays that have been published by Playscripts, Inc. and Stage Partners. They have been performed over 10,000 times in all fifty states as well as internationally in fifty different countries. He's the author of two novels, Margot Mertz Takes It Down and Margot Mertz for the Win (coming out fall 2022 from Penguin Random House), cowritten with Carrie McCrossen. Fun fact, she's also his wife! They've also written three Lifetime movies together, which is the only thing their friends want to talk about. Mr. McWethy is represented by Alex Platis at Untitled Management.
Plays by Ian McWethy
12 Incompetent Jurors
- by
- Ian McWethy
12 Incompetent Men (And Women!)
- by
- Ian McWethy
13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview
- by
- Ian McWethy
#3 most-produced high school short play for the 2009-2010 season (Educational Theatre Association)
14 More Ways To Screw Up Your College Interview
- by
- Ian McWethy
21 Guaranteed Ways to Get Detention
- by
- Ian McWethy
The 9 Worst Breakups of All Time
- by
- Ian McWethy
An Absolutely True Story (As Told by a Bunch of Lying Liars)
- by
- Ian McWethy
Actor's Choice: Scenes for Teens
The Alibis
Appropriate Audience Behavior
- by
- Ian McWethy
Bad Auditions by Bad Actors
- by
- Ian McWethy
Bad Auditions by Bad Actors (full-length)
- by
- Ian McWethy
The Bullying Collection
- by
- E. M. Bell
The Customer Is Always Wrong
- by
- Ian McWethy
Facebook Ruins Everything!
- by
- Ian McWethy
Good Cop Bad Cop
- by
- Ian McWethy
Graduation for Dummies!
- by
- Ian McWethy
Gray Area
- by
- Ian McWethy
The Great American College Tour
- by
- Ian McWethy
Hamster Murder!
- by
- Ian McWethy
Harold P. Truthington Presents The Absolutely True Story of Robin Hood AKA Rob Hat Guy
- by
- Ian McWethy
High School Reunion
- by
- Ian McWethy
How To Overthrow Your Student Government
The Incomplete Life & Random Death of Molly Denholtz
- by
- Ian McWethy
The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!
- by
- Ian McWethy
The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN! (full-length)
- by
- Ian McWethy
It's You!
- by
- Ian McWethy
Kids Today!
- by
- Ian McWethy
The Literati Awards
Most Likely To...
- by
- Ian McWethy
- by
- Ian McWethy
Pass It On, or The First Period Note That Almost Destroyed the World
- by
- Ian McWethy
Rejection! or, Will Date For Food
- by
- Ian McWethy
Rideshare Overshare
- by
- Ian McWethy
Santa Man
- by
- Ian McWethy
Scared Silly
A Simpler Time
So . . . What Are We Doing Tonight?
- by
- Ian McWethy
- by
- Ian McWethy
Talent Show Fail
This Is Your Brain on Social Media
- by
- Ian McWethy