Mrinalini Kamath Mrinalini Kamath's plays have been performed around the country as well as in the United Kingdom, Australia and India. She was a semi-finalist for both the 2006 O'Neill and Seven Devils Playwrights Conferences and was Fluid Motion Theatre and Film's inaugural Start the Story commission recipient (2006). She won first place in the 2005 East West Players (Los Angeles, CA) Got Laughs? Asian-American Comedy Play Contest, was a Tennessee Williams Scholar at the 2003 Sewanee Writers' Conference in Sewanee, Tennessee, and a finalist for the 2004 Jerome Fellowship at the Playwrights' Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Three of her short plays have been work-shopped at the New Play Development Workshop of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education and several have been published in the Smith and Kraus anthologies, Best Stage Scenes of 1999, Best Stage Scenes of 2000, The Best Ten Minute Plays for 3 or More Actors, 2004 and the upcoming The Best Ten Minute Plays for Two Actors, 2007.
She is a member of the Ma-Yi Theatre Writers' Lab, the Dramatists Guild, an alumnus of Youngblood, the emerging playwrights' collective at the Ensemble Studio Theatre, and a Dramatists Guild representative to the board of the New York Coalition for Professional Women in the Arts and Media (NYCWAM). Ms. Kamath received her M.F.A. in playwriting from the Actors Studio Drama School of the New School University.