Anton Krueger teaches playwriting in the Department of Drama, Rhodes University, South Africa. His plays have been performed in eight countries and have won numerous awards. Living in Strange Lands was nominated for an FNB Vita award in 2002, and was the runner-up for the Olive Schreiner Award in 2006. It has toured all over South Africa, and has also been performed in Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. Mediocrity won the national SANCTA competition in 2000 and represented South Africa at the Mondial du Teater in Monaco in 2002. It also won the Welsh National Drama Festival in 2006 and went on to be performed in Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. His most recent work, Old Dogs, was selected for professional staged readings in Durban and Cape Town.
Dr. Krueger's other published works include poems, short stories, and memoir as well as academic essays and criticism on theatre, film, and books. (His unpublished works include shopping lists, dream journals and indecipherable notes scrawled on the back of envelopes.)