Molly HoranMolly Horan is a lyricist, librettist, playwright, and novelist. Her play The Patron Saint of
Other Women won Georgia College Arts and Letters’ 2021 Drama Prize. She was selected
as a 2021 Bethany Arts Center artist in resident and a Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Governors Island resident, and was awarded a The Betsy Writer’s Residency for
She is a member of the BMI Musical Theatre Advanced Workshop and Librettist
Workshop. She co-wrote an adaptation of Little Women for Brooklyn’s Hedgepig
Ensemble in 2019, and in 2022 she was a member of New Perspective Theatre Company
Short Play Lab.
Her debut novel, Epically Earnest, a YA retelling of The Importance of Being Earnest,
was published in 2022. Her first picture book, I Have Seven Dogs, was published in 2023
by Penguin/Random House. She currently teaches creative writing and literature at NYU
and The School of Visual Arts.