John Andreini has had one-acts, ten-minute plays, and full-length plays produced at theatres around the country, including the Chance Theatre (Anaheim Hills, California), Heartland Theatre Company (Bloomington, Illinois), Lake Superior College (Duluth, Minnesota), The Performing Arts Guild of South Kitsap (Orchard, Washington), and Theatre Cedar Rapids (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), among others. His awards include a readers' theater performance as one of four finalists in the McLaren Comedy Playwriting Competition, 2000 (Midland, Texas); fourth place in the Stage 3 Theatre Company's Third Annual Festival of New Plays, 1998 (Sonoma, California); honorable mention for two plays in the Writer's Digest Writing Competition, 1998; and one of eight finalists in the Twelfth Annual Playwright's Forum, 1991, University of Northern Colorado (Greely, Colorado). Mr. Andreini has had success recently with his screenplays, winning Best Screenplay at the 2007 California Independent Film Festival, second place at the 2007 Buffalo Niagara Film Festival, and semi-finalist at the 2008 SoCal Independent Film Festival.