Cynthia Mercati has had a play produced in every state in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Holland. Her plays have been published by Playscripts, Inc., Baker's of Boston, Samuel French, Dramatic Publishing, and Pioneer Drama.
She was commissioned to write an original play for Emmy and Tony award-winning actor, Hal Holbrook, based on the Civil War, which premiered in Des Moines. It was a thrill to have the opportunity to write for Mr. Holbrook!
Her two one-man shows have been both been touring for over 10 years: Grant Wood: Prairie Rebel, based on the life of the painter of American Gothic, and American Dreamer, based on the prize-winning book by Senator John Culver. This show received a special production in Washington, DC.
As playwright-in-residence, she wrote a script a year for the Des Moines Playhouse which then played to literally thousands of schoolchildren across the state. She has published 20 books for young people, three novels, and has commentary in The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, Des Moines Register and 18 other national magazines and/or newspapers.
She also has an essay in three different Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
She was honored when her play, The Strength of Their Spirit, was produced in Amsterdam, to help celebrate Holland's 60-year anniversary of liberation from the Nazis.
Chicago is her hometown forever and ever, and she loves baseball, big cities, old movies, and dachshunds -- she's had 5.