Jason Tremblay is an Austin-based playwright, director, and musician. Recent national productions include: Katrina: The Girl Who Wanted Her Name Back at Adventure Stage (Chicago), Chicken and Ice Cream at the Moonwater Theatre Company (Fort Worth), Hosers at the Boulder Acting Group (Colorado), The Cleaning Lady at The Flying Leap Players (Minnesota), and West Texas Honey Bee Blues at the Offstage Theatre (Virginia). In Austin, his work has been presented by Rm 120 Theatre, Chick n' Dude productions, Austin Scriptworks, Fronterafest (Best of Fest), Out of Ink, The Moveable Feast, Theatre Silica, and Fusebox. He has completed commissions for Austin Scriptworks and the LMDA. His plays have received development support from New Dramatists, Theatre Masters, and New Vision/New Voices. He holds an MFA in Playwriting from the University of Texas.