Alex Dremann studied playwriting at the University of Southern California and NYU. His full length plays include Split Pea Pod, Postcoital Variations, Henchpeople, The :nv:s:ble Play, and Demon Pigs Squealing at the Moon. His short plays include Hypothermia, Emma of Sandusky, Cannibals Gone Bad, Dead Wong, The Cheever Tapes, and Sally Sock. He got his start with Wet Paper Bag at Theatre Neo in Los Angeles, and since then his plays have been performed at Philadelphia Theatre Workshop, Killing My Lobster, and Provincetown Theater Playwrights Festival, among others. On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning received its world premier in the 2009 Humana Festival of New American Plays at Actors Theatre of Louisville. Mr. Dremann currently lives and writes in Philadelphia, where he is the producing artistic director of Secret Room Theatre.