
Six by Timothy Mason

Productions (3)
70 - 80 minutes
4 W, 4 M, 
Content Notes: Adult language and content
Set: Minimal: a suggested campsite and wilderness.

Six undergraduates spend a summer in an isolated wilderness, studying the surrounding ecosystem under the tutelage of two graduate teaching assistants. As they learn of the five global mass extinctions that life on Earth has suffered in its history, and the sixth that may be upon us, they get to know each other and themselves. Unrequited love is in the air along with the mosquitoes. Requited love comes with its own perils. Is one of the students an imposter, a so-called eco-terrorist? Is he a hero or a con man?

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $85
Standard Edition $13.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99

*The per performance fee begins at $85. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Play Details

Six undergraduates spend a summer in an isolated wilderness, studying the surrounding ecosystem under the tutelage of two graduate teaching assistants. As they learn of the five global mass extinctions that life on Earth has suffered in its history, and the sixth that may be upon us, they get to know each other and themselves. Unrequited love is in the air along with the mosquitoes. Requited love comes with its own perils. Is one of the students an imposter, a so-called eco-terrorist? Is he a hero or a con man?

  • Drama
  • |
  • 70 - 80 minutes
  • 4 W, 4 M, 
  • Content Notes: Adult language and content
  • Set: Minimal: a suggested campsite and wilderness.

Production History

NOV 19, 2020 - NOV 22, 2020
The Catholic University of America Office of Campus Activities
Washington, DC United States
The Catholic University of America Office of Campus ActivitiesWashington, DC United States
JUL 08, 2015 - JUL 11, 2015
Vancouver, BC Canada
APR 01, 2004 - APR 30, 2004
Guthrie Theatre Lab
Minneapolis, MN United States
Guthrie Theatre LabMinneapolis, MN United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Awards (1)

Commissioned by the Guthrie Theatre