A Viking warrior and his servant bring a white bear to Constantinople during the fourth Holy Crusade. Following a skirmish, the bear gets loose, the warrior is wounded, and Death arrives...
- Drama
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- 10 - 20 minutes
- 3 W, 4 M,
Set: A tavern
A Viking warrior and his servant bring a white bear to Constantinople during the fourth Holy Crusade. Following a skirmish, the bear gets loose, the warrior is wounded, and Death arrives...
SEP 30, 2004 - SEP 30, 2004
The Blake School
Minneapolis, MN United States | The Blake School | Minneapolis, MN United States |
JUL 01, 2001 - JUL 30, 2001
Guthrie Theater (Guthrie Experience actor training program)
Minneapolis, MN United States | Guthrie Theater (Guthrie Experience actor training program) | Minneapolis, MN United States |
No upcoming productions. |
JUL 01, 2001 - JUL 30, 2001
Guthrie Theater (Guthrie Experience actor training program)
Minneapolis, MN United States | Guthrie Theater (Guthrie Experience actor training program) | Minneapolis, MN United States |