The Oy of Sex by Len Richmond

Productions (3)
100 - 110 minutes
3 W, 4 M, 
Content Notes: Adult language and content.
Set: The small living room of a flat in London and a small sex shop in London's Soho district, circa 1977.

After leaving her cheating husband, Bea discovers, to her horror, that her nice Jewish son Hal has secretly been running a sex shop in London's Soho district. When Hal closes up shop for a two-week holiday, his prudish mum insists upon smartening-up the ramshackle store while he's gone. Afraid to lose sales in the meantime, she finds she has a flare for counseling the lonely customers who wander in -- and for selling them sex toys. Surrounded by edible knickers and blow-up dolls, Bea discovers more about sexuality than she ever wanted to know, which may be just what she needs to save her own troubled marriage.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $85
Standard Edition $13.99
eScript Digital Edition $17.5
Stage Manager Edition $24.99

*The per performance fee begins at $85. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

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Play Details

After leaving her cheating husband, Bea discovers, to her horror, that her nice Jewish son Hal has secretly been running a sex shop in London's Soho district. When Hal closes up shop for a two-week holiday, his prudish mum insists upon smartening-up the ramshackle store while he's gone. Afraid to lose sales in the meantime, she finds she has a flare for counseling the lonely customers who wander in -- and for selling them sex toys. Surrounded by edible knickers and blow-up dolls, Bea discovers more about sexuality than she ever wanted to know, which may be just what she needs to save her own troubled marriage.

  • Comedy
  • |
  • 100 - 110 minutes
  • 3 W, 4 M, 
  • Content Notes: Adult language and content.
  • Set: The small living room of a flat in London and a small sex shop in London's Soho district, circa 1977.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-394-6

Published Reviews

"Len Richmond is London's answer to Neil Simon."

London Theatre Review

"In 70s London, the only thing worse than telling your mum you own a sex shoppe is having her run it."

Mutineer Theatre Company

Production History

JAN 15, 2015 - JAN 17, 2015
Riot To Follow Productions -- The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA United States
Riot To Follow Productions -- The Evergreen State CollegeOlympia, WA United States
AUG 29, 2012 - AUG 29, 2012
Mutineer Theatre Company at the Studio Stage
Los Angeles, CA United States
Mutineer Theatre Company at the Studio StageLos Angeles, CA United States
JUL 14, 2012 - JUL 14, 2012
Alliance Repertory Company at the Promenade Playhouse
Santa Monica, CA United States
Alliance Repertory Company at the Promenade PlayhouseSanta Monica, CA United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Awards (1)

First Place winner, Alliance Repertory Company New Works Contest

eScript Details

eScript Digital Editions cannot be printed or downloaded. They are for reading on personal computer or tablet devices (phones, iPads, Kobo, Sony, etc.) It can viewed on up to 5 individual devices.

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