Letters to Kurt

Letters to Kurt by Janine Nabers

Productions (13)
25 - 30 minutes
7 W, 2 M, 9 Any (18 actors possible: 7-16 W, 2-11 M)
Set: Set is minimal: sparse furniture to represent various scenes.

Sixteen year-old outcast Molly doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. Her family barely knows she exists, the kids at school think she's a "depressed freak," and even her two best friends are having trouble understanding her. When the only comfort in her life, music, is disrupted by the death of Kurt Cobain, Molly's world is turned upside down. But her plans to leave the miserable town of Walla Walla behind for good are intersected by the person she least expects.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

Sixteen year-old outcast Molly doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. Her family barely knows she exists, the kids at school think she's a "depressed freak," and even her two best friends are having trouble understanding her. When the only comfort in her life, music, is disrupted by the death of Kurt Cobain, Molly's world is turned upside down. But her plans to leave the miserable town of Walla Walla behind for good are intersected by the person she least expects.

  • Drama
  • |
  • 25 - 30 minutes
  • 7 W, 2 M, 9 Any (18 actors possible: 7-16 W, 2-11 M)
  • Set: Set is minimal: sparse furniture to represent various scenes.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-417-2

Production History

JAN 29, 2021 - JAN 29, 2021
One Act Play
Two Harbors, MN United States
One Act PlayTwo Harbors, MN United States
MAY 24, 2018 - MAY 24, 2018
Matthew Perry High School
FPO, AP United States
Matthew Perry High SchoolFPO, AP United States
JAN 17, 2017 - JAN 17, 2017
Charlotte Catholic High School
Charlotte, NC United States
Charlotte Catholic High SchoolCharlotte, NC United States
APR 21, 2016 - APR 21, 2016
Boyle School
Athabasca, AB Canada
Boyle SchoolAthabasca, AB Canada
MAR 12, 2016 - MAR 12, 2016
Chelsea School Players
Randolph, VT United States
Chelsea School PlayersRandolph, VT United States
FEB 18, 2016 - FEB 18, 2016
Chelsea School Players
Randolph, VT United States
Chelsea School PlayersRandolph, VT United States
FEB 17, 2016 - FEB 20, 2016
Carroll Middle School
Southlake, TX United States
Carroll Middle SchoolSouthlake, TX United States
FEB 04, 2016 - FEB 05, 2016
Hoover High School
Hoover, AL United States
Hoover High SchoolHoover, AL United States
NOV 13, 2015 - NOV 14, 2015
The Commodore Players, Perry County Central High School
Hazard, KY United States
The Commodore Players, Perry County Central High SchoolHazard, KY United States
FEB 19, 2014 - FEB 22, 2014
Bernice MacNaughton High School
Moncton, NB Canada
Bernice MacNaughton High SchoolMoncton, NB Canada
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No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Archival Video License

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License to add to your order for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

This allows you to record one of your live performances for your internal archives only. This cannot be streamed.

For more information, please reach out to playscriptsinfo@broadwaylicensing.com