IT'S ALIVE! Albert Einstein's brain, that is. Sci-Fi geek and pizza delivery boy Otto must make the most important delivery of all time when the mad scientist Dr. Harvey Thomas gives Otto and his talking dog, Swamp Thing, the task of safely delivering Einstein's brain to a college in Berkeley, where it will be properly studied. Sounds easy, right? Save for a few hilarious distractions (a musical group of preserved body parts, a horde of zombies, and an evil, even madder scientist) it should be a piece of cake! Can Otto and his dog make it to their destination in relatively one piece? Pun intended.
- Comedy
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- 60 - 70 minutes
- 3 W, 10 M, 8 Any (13-35 actors possible: 3-14 W, 10-21 M)
Set: Minimal.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-248-2