After being home-schooled all his life, Ariel Carvell (who is not, he insists, named after the mermaid) is excited for his first day of "normal" high school. Unfortunately, his confusing name betrays him again, as Ariel finds himself mistakenly enrolled as the only boy in an all-girls school. To make matters worse, his eccentric, 37-year-old Aunt Lydia decides to enroll as well! Things look bad until Ariel sees the girl of his dreams across the hall and realizes that, with a little luck, life for the only boy in an all-girls school might not be that bad...
- Comedy
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- 35 - 40 minutes
- 10 W, 3 M, 1 Any (9-14 actors possible: 6-11 W, 3-4 M)
Set: A table and a desk. A few chairs.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-433-2