Land O' Plenty: My Journey as the Only Boy in an All-Girls School

Land O' Plenty: My Journey as the Only Boy in an All-Girls School by David... Largman MurrayShow more

Productions (17)
35 - 40 minutes
10 W, 3 M, 1 Any (9-14 actors possible: 6-11 W, 3-4 M)
Set: A table and a desk. A few chairs.

After being home-schooled all his life, Ariel Carvell (who is not, he insists, named after the mermaid) is excited for his first day of "normal" high school. Unfortunately, his confusing name betrays him again, as Ariel finds himself mistakenly enrolled as the only boy in an all-girls school. To make matters worse, his eccentric, 37-year-old Aunt Lydia decides to enroll as well! Things look bad until Ariel sees the girl of his dreams across the hall and realizes that, with a little luck, life for the only boy in an all-girls school might not be that bad...

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

After being home-schooled all his life, Ariel Carvell (who is not, he insists, named after the mermaid) is excited for his first day of "normal" high school. Unfortunately, his confusing name betrays him again, as Ariel finds himself mistakenly enrolled as the only boy in an all-girls school. To make matters worse, his eccentric, 37-year-old Aunt Lydia decides to enroll as well! Things look bad until Ariel sees the girl of his dreams across the hall and realizes that, with a little luck, life for the only boy in an all-girls school might not be that bad...

  • Comedy
  • |
  • 35 - 40 minutes
  • 10 W, 3 M, 1 Any (9-14 actors possible: 6-11 W, 3-4 M)
  • Set: A table and a desk. A few chairs.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-433-2

Production History

MAY 05, 2023 - MAY 06, 2023
Gregory Portland High School
Portland, TX United States
Gregory Portland High SchoolPortland, TX United States
NOV 05, 2022 - NOV 06, 2022
Postville Community School District
Postville, IA United States
Postville Community School DistrictPostville, IA United States
NOV 11, 2021 - NOV 13, 2021
McCullough Jr. High
Spring, TX United States
McCullough Jr. HighSpring, TX United States
NOV 13, 2020 - NOV 13, 2020
Providence Day School
Charlotte, NC United States
Providence Day SchoolCharlotte, NC United States
DEC 06, 2019 - DEC 06, 2019
Pinellas Park High School
Largo, FL United States
Pinellas Park High SchoolLargo, FL United States
FEB 10, 2018 - FEB 10, 2018
Randall K. Cooper High School
UNION, KY United States
Randall K. Cooper High SchoolUNION, KY United States
DEC 09, 2016 - DEC 09, 2016
Waller High School Theatre
Waller, TX United States
Waller High School TheatreWaller, TX United States
DEC 01, 2016 - DEC 03, 2016
Leilehua Speech And Debate Team
Kahuku, HI United States
Leilehua Speech And Debate TeamKahuku, HI United States
DEC 08, 2014 - JAN 14, 2015
Blue Valley North High School
Overland Park, KS United States
Blue Valley North High SchoolOverland Park, KS United States
OCT 25, 2014 - NOV 22, 2014
Neenah High School
Varies, WI United States
Neenah High SchoolVaries, WI United States
1 of 2
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Archival Video License

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License to add to your order for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

This allows you to record one of your live performances for your internal archives only. This cannot be streamed.

For more information, please reach out to