The Last Hat

The Last Hat by Kyle John Schmidt

Productions (3)
12 - 15 minutes
2 W, 2 M, 
Set: Minimal: suggested interior of a Dickensian dress shop.

Molly Parsons, the proprietor of a quality ladies' dress shop, discovers to her horror that her hair is rapidly receding from the nape of her neck and proceeding down the front of her face. As disaster creeps down her forehead, Molly decides she must tell a certain man she loves him before it's too late.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $40
NOTE: This play is part of an anthology called Great Short Plays: Volume 9.
Standard Edition $12.99
Standard Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $40. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

Molly Parsons, the proprietor of a quality ladies' dress shop, discovers to her horror that her hair is rapidly receding from the nape of her neck and proceeding down the front of her face. As disaster creeps down her forehead, Molly decides she must tell a certain man she loves him before it's too late.

  • Comedy
  • |
  • 12 - 15 minutes
  • 2 W, 2 M, 
  • Set: Minimal: suggested interior of a Dickensian dress shop.

Production History

AUG 30, 2020 - AUG 30, 2020
Freed-Hardeman University
Henderson, TN United States
Freed-Hardeman UniversityHenderson, TN United States
OCT 03, 2019 - OCT 05, 2019
Carmel High School
Carmel, IN United States
Carmel High SchoolCarmel, IN United States
JAN 11, 2011 - JAN 14, 2011
Apprentice Ten-Minute Play Showcase, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Dir: Michael Legg
Louisville, KY United States
Apprentice Ten-Minute Play Showcase, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Dir: Michael LeggLouisville, KY United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Awards (1)

Heideman Award co-winner, National 10-Minute Play Contest, Actors Theatre of Louisville (2011)