For four different groups of people awaiting the radio broadcast of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds in 1938, things go horribly awry when a news report indicates that aliens may have invaded Grover's Mill, New Jersey. As fears set in, concerns over money, conspiracies, faith, and self-defense come to a head and panic builds as everyone struggles to decide what to do next. But what if things are not necessarily as they seem? In the face of a possible catastrophe, everyone must discover what is important in their lives.
- Comedy/Drama
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- 35 - 45 minutes
- 6 W, 4 M, 5 Any (14-20 actors possible: 6-11 W, 4-9 M)
Set: Minimal set indicating four separate suburban locations.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-514-8