The Hidden Place

The Hidden Place by George Herman

Productions (9)
50 - 60 minutes
3 W, 5 M, 2 Any (8-12 actors possible: 3-5 W, 5-9 M)
Set: A platform tree house, plus a moveable interior that is both a living room and a doctor's office

A lively, imaginative boy learns that he has a terminal disease, and his reactions to this discovery strain his relationships with his mother, his doctor, his classmates, and his best friend, with whom he shares a secret tree house. Encouraged by a wise man jogging along the shore, the boy questions why he was born to die so young, what he might expect after death, and how to accept his fate. In the process he also re-examines his attitude toward his father, who was killed in Vietnam, and comes to understand the hidden place beyond life.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

A lively, imaginative boy learns that he has a terminal disease, and his reactions to this discovery strain his relationships with his mother, his doctor, his classmates, and his best friend, with whom he shares a secret tree house. Encouraged by a wise man jogging along the shore, the boy questions why he was born to die so young, what he might expect after death, and how to accept his fate. In the process he also re-examines his attitude toward his father, who was killed in Vietnam, and comes to understand the hidden place beyond life.

  • Fantasy/Drama
  • |
  • 50 - 60 minutes
  • 3 W, 5 M, 2 Any (8-12 actors possible: 3-5 W, 5-9 M)
  • Set: A platform tree house, plus a moveable interior that is both a living room and a doctor's office

Published Reviews

"The Hidden Place, an original and imaginative play about terminal illness, is difficult to judge as children's theater, because it is unlike most such fare..."

Vicki Viotti, Aiea Sun Press

"Children are not put off by the theme of death in George Herman's The Hidden Place. Sixth graders have written their own reviews, examples: 'Sad at first, then happy.' 'Scary because you don't know what is going to happen to you. Afraid, because it might hurt. Sad, because I won't see my family and friends, but there is a world of happiness after.'"

Pierre Bowman, Honolulu Advertiser

"The Hidden Place, an original and imaginative play about terminal illness, is difficult to judge as children's theater, because it is unlike most such fare... In the end, the production works because of some good acting and the clever ways Herman devised to handle a difficult subject."

Vicki Viotti, Aiea Sun Press

"This play is very, very moving! Twice I found myself choked up and at the end there was a shimmer of tears. I found it totally believable. The imaginative touches complement the kernel of reality rather than warring with it."

Walt Dulaney, Hawaii Educational Theatre Association

Production History

APR 12, 2014 - APR 12, 2014
Pasadena Academy (Adam Kelly)
Pasadena, NF Canada
Pasadena Academy (Adam Kelly)Pasadena, NF Canada
FEB 16, 2009 - FEB 17, 2009
Clark Middle School
Frisco, TX United States
Clark Middle SchoolFrisco, TX United States
JAN 18, 2007 - JAN 21, 2007
John Stark Regional High School Stage Company
Weare, NH United States
John Stark Regional High School Stage CompanyWeare, NH United States
NOV 08, 2006 - NOV 28, 2006
Hyannis High School
Hyannis, NE United States
Hyannis High SchoolHyannis, NE United States
NOV 08, 2006 - NOV 28, 2006
Hyannis High School
Hyannis, NE United States
Hyannis High SchoolHyannis, NE United States
APR 01, 2005 - APR 30, 2005
Pearce Junior High School
Burin Bay Arm, NF Canada
Pearce Junior High SchoolBurin Bay Arm, NF Canada
JAN 22, 2005 - FEB 11, 2005
Albany High School
Albany, MN United States
Albany High SchoolAlbany, MN United States
MAR 01, 2004 - MAR 01, 2004
Owensboro Board Of Education
Owensboro, KY United States
Owensboro Board Of EducationOwensboro, KY United States
JAN 01, 1982 - DEC 31, 1982
Honolulu Theater for Youth
Honolulu, HI United States
Honolulu Theater for YouthHonolulu, HI United States
No upcoming productions.
JAN 01, 1982 - DEC 31, 1982
Honolulu Theater for Youth
Honolulu, HI United States
Honolulu Theater for YouthHonolulu, HI United States

Awards (2)

University of Hawaii Kuma Kahua (New Stages) Award, 1981

Ayling Foundation Humanities Award, 1981