Moliere Plays Paris

Moliere Plays Paris translated and adapted by Nagle Jackson

Productions (4)
110 - 120 minutes
4 W, 10 M, 
Content Notes: Adult language
Set: Unit set.

Careers and love lives alike are on the line when Moliere's theater company bombs their debut performance in Paris. Desperate to impress King Louis XIV, the company stages a spontaneous production of Moliere's farce The Love Doctor. The show is a smash hit, but when Moliere announces his betrothal to the younger sister of his former mistress, Madeliene Bejart, turmoil ensues. The next night, onstage high jinks merge with backstage drama when the troupe performs The Forced Marriage, and Moliere must deal with the demands of the King as he realizes that his fiancee may not be quite what she seems. Read More

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $85
Standard Edition $13.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99

*The per performance fee begins at $85. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Play Details

Careers and love lives alike are on the line when Moliere's theater company bombs their debut performance in Paris. Desperate to impress King Louis XIV, the company stages a spontaneous production of Moliere's farce The Love Doctor. The show is a smash hit, but when Moliere announces his betrothal to the younger sister of his former mistress, Madeliene Bejart, turmoil ensues. The next night, onstage high jinks merge with backstage drama when the troupe performs The Forced Marriage, and Moliere must deal with the demands of the King as he realizes that his fiancee may not be quite what she seems.

(The Love Doctor and The Forced Marriage can also be performed separately.)

  • Comedy
  • |
  • 110 - 120 minutes
  • 4 W, 10 M, 
  • Content Notes: Adult language
  • Set: Unit set.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-581-0

Production History

FEB 10, 2017 - FEB 12, 2017
The Hexagon Players
Crawford Bay, BC Canada
The Hexagon PlayersCrawford Bay, BC Canada
APR 24, 2014 - APR 25, 2014
City of Lakes Waldorf School
Minneapolis, MN United States
City of Lakes Waldorf SchoolMinneapolis, MN United States
FEB 25, 2011 - FEB 26, 2011
Excelsior Springs High School
Excelsior Springs, MO United States
Excelsior Springs High SchoolExcelsior Springs, MO United States
JAN 01, 1996 - DEC 31, 1996
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Ashland, OR United States
Oregon Shakespeare FestivalAshland, OR United States
No upcoming productions.
JAN 01, 1996 - DEC 31, 1996
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Ashland, OR United States
Oregon Shakespeare FestivalAshland, OR United States