All on Account of a Dog

All on Account of a Dog by Rebecca Saunders

Productions (6)
15 - 25 minutes
1 W, 1 M,  (2 actors possible: 0-1 W, 1-2 M)
Set: Two chairs, or something resembling an old, beat-up car

Abandoned by his wife and down on his luck, John must decide how to take care of his young daughter, Becky. During an aimless Sunday drive in rural North Carolina, John struggles to answer Becky's innocent but unnerving questions about their family's unhappy history. Then she spots a crippled dog on the side of the road, and must overcome her father's objections against taking it home. All on Account of a Dog is a funny and touching duet, with charming characters and minimal set requirements.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Play Details

Abandoned by his wife and down on his luck, John must decide how to take care of his young daughter, Becky. During an aimless Sunday drive in rural North Carolina, John struggles to answer Becky's innocent but unnerving questions about their family's unhappy history. Then she spots a crippled dog on the side of the road, and must overcome her father's objections against taking it home. All on Account of a Dog is a funny and touching duet, with charming characters and minimal set requirements.

  • Comedy/Drama
  • |
  • 15 - 25 minutes
  • 1 W, 1 M,  (2 actors possible: 0-1 W, 1-2 M)
  • Set: Two chairs, or something resembling an old, beat-up car

Published Reviews

"An engaging slice-of-life look at unique individuals."

Larry Stark, Theater Mirror

Production History

MAY 16, 2024 - MAY 22, 2024
New Trier High School
Winnetka, IL United States
New Trier High SchoolWinnetka, IL United States
MAR 09, 2019 - MAR 09, 2019
PM&L Theatre
Antioch, IL United States
PM&L TheatreAntioch, IL United States
MAY 13, 2016 - MAY 13, 2016
Richardson High School
Richardson, TX United States
Richardson High SchoolRichardson, TX United States
FEB 21, 2008 - FEB 25, 2008
Alleghany Community Theatre
Sparta, NC United States
Alleghany Community TheatreSparta, NC United States
MAR 20, 2005 - APR 10, 2005
Cannon Valley Lutheran High School
Morristown, MN United States
Cannon Valley Lutheran High SchoolMorristown, MN United States
JUN 16, 2000 - JUN 17, 2000
Playwrights' Platform Annual Summer Festival of New Works
Boston, MA United States
Playwrights' Platform Annual Summer Festival of New WorksBoston, MA United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.

Awards (1)

Playwrights' Choice at the Boston Playwrights' Platform Festival, 2000 (2nd place)