An Empress, A Faun, and...Olive Loaf?

An Empress, A Faun, and...Olive Loaf? by Em Frappier

Productions (15)
40 - 60 minutes
7 W, 5 M,  (7-12 actors possible: 4-10 W, 2-6 M)
Set: Flexible.

A world of mystical creatures and lost souls comes to life when Heather is magically transported into a strange land while working on her creative writing homework. With an evil Empress ruling the kingdom, Heather is forced to play a game in order to rescue her captured sister and return home. As she searches for the pieces to a cryptic riddle, Heather meets the victims who were unable to beat the Empress' cruel games. Will she make it through this puzzling expedition in time to find her sister, save the day, and complete her writing assignment?

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

A world of mystical creatures and lost souls comes to life when Heather is magically transported into a strange land while working on her creative writing homework. With an evil Empress ruling the kingdom, Heather is forced to play a game in order to rescue her captured sister and return home. As she searches for the pieces to a cryptic riddle, Heather meets the victims who were unable to beat the Empress' cruel games. Will she make it through this puzzling expedition in time to find her sister, save the day, and complete her writing assignment?

  • Comedy/Fantasy
  • |
  • 40 - 60 minutes
  • 7 W, 5 M,  (7-12 actors possible: 4-10 W, 2-6 M)
  • Set: Flexible.
  • Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-655-8

Production History

MAR 31, 2022 - APR 02, 2022
Concordia University
Seward, NE United States
Concordia UniversitySeward, NE United States
MAR 22, 2019 - MAR 24, 2019
The Borealis Bards
International Falls, MN United States
The Borealis BardsInternational Falls, MN United States
NOV 08, 2018 - NOV 15, 2018
AHJS Theatre Arts
San Antonio, TX United States
AHJS Theatre ArtsSan Antonio, TX United States
MAY 15, 2018 - MAY 15, 2018
Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Academy
Tarpon Springs, FL United States
Lighthouse Christian Homeschool AcademyTarpon Springs, FL United States
APR 19, 2018 - APR 20, 2018
Sebastian River Middle School
Sebastian, FL United States
Sebastian River Middle SchoolSebastian, FL United States
JUL 29, 2016 - JUL 29, 2016
River View High School
Welch, WV United States
River View High SchoolWelch, WV United States
MAR 17, 2016 - MAR 19, 2016
Greater Hartford Classical Magnet School
Hartford, CT United States
Greater Hartford Classical Magnet SchoolHartford, CT United States
NOV 10, 2015 - DEC 10, 2015
Bertrand High School
Bertrand, NE United States
Bertrand High SchoolBertrand, NE United States
JUN 10, 2011 - JUN 10, 2011
Kadina Memorial High School
Kadina, SA Australia
Kadina Memorial High SchoolKadina, SA Australia
MAY 20, 2011 - MAY 20, 2011
Montessori World School
Orlando, FL United States
Montessori World SchoolOrlando, FL United States
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