Home At Last: An Odd Little Odyssey

Home At Last: An Odd Little Odyssey by Edith Freni

Productions (6)
45 - 60 minutes
18 W, 25 M, 6 Any (12-50 actors possible: 5-24 W, 7-31 M)
Set: Can be as minimal as necessary or as detailed as possible.

Julian, a soldier in the US Army, left for war quite a while ago and is missing in action, leaving behind his beautiful wife, Lola, and daughters Telly and Tara to deal with everyday problems at home -- smelly suitors, a broken car, and the long and boring Odyssey. But as Homer's epic tale is told to them by a kindly old neighbor, they begin to discover that Odysseus' quest for home echoes Julian's efforts. As the girls seek information on the whereabouts of their hero dad, Odysseus' journey plays out before our very eyes.

Pricing Information

Min. Performance Fee* $55
Standard Edition $11.99
Stage Manager Edition $24.99
Archival Video License $75

*The per performance fee begins at $55. Your per performance fee will be provided during the ordering process.

Playscripts is pleased to offer an Archival Video License for an additional $150 for full-length plays and $75 for one-act plays.

Play Details

Julian, a soldier in the US Army, left for war quite a while ago and is missing in action, leaving behind his beautiful wife, Lola, and daughters Telly and Tara to deal with everyday problems at home -- smelly suitors, a broken car, and the long and boring Odyssey. But as Homer's epic tale is told to them by a kindly old neighbor, they begin to discover that Odysseus' quest for home echoes Julian's efforts. As the girls seek information on the whereabouts of their hero dad, Odysseus' journey plays out before our very eyes.

  • Comedy/Drama
  • |
  • 45 - 60 minutes
  • 18 W, 25 M, 6 Any (12-50 actors possible: 5-24 W, 7-31 M)
  • Set: Can be as minimal as necessary or as detailed as possible.

Production History

MAY 03, 2019 - MAY 03, 2019
Cypress Palm Middle School
Naples, FL United States
Cypress Palm Middle SchoolNaples, FL United States
NOV 03, 2018 - NOV 03, 2018
Zionsville Middle School
Zionsville, IN United States
Zionsville Middle SchoolZionsville, IN United States
NOV 02, 2018 - NOV 03, 2018
Zionsville Middle School
Zionsville, IN United States
Zionsville Middle SchoolZionsville, IN United States
MAR 04, 2016 - MAR 04, 2016
Walsh Middle School Theatre
Round Rock, TX United States
Walsh Middle School TheatreRound Rock, TX United States
OCT 04, 2014 - OCT 06, 2014
Creekview High School
Canton, GA United States
Creekview High SchoolCanton, GA United States
JAN 01, 1970 - JAN 01, 1970
McCarter Education Program (workshop)
Princeton, NJ United States
McCarter Education Program (workshop)Princeton, NJ United States
No upcoming productions.
No professional productions.