Tiny Tim Cratchit has grown up, emigrated to America, and set up shop in New York City. Along the way, though, he has lost his Christmas spirit. On Christmas Eve of 1899, it is up to his dear departed Uncle Scrooge to help him find it again -- with assistance from the Ghost of Christmas Past (Lady Liberty), the Ghost of Christmas Present (Teddy Roosevelt), and the Ghost of Christmas Future (a mysterious gunslinger). Tiny Tim faithfully retells Dickens' classic with a distinctive American twist, exploring social issues and icons of the time.
- Christmas play
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- 70 - 90 minutes
- 7 W, 14 M, 5 Any (7-26 actors possible: 2-12 W, 5-19 M)
Set: Three fixed sets -- wings can be used, and street scenes can be played out stage forward
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-556-8