Once upon a time there was a dwarf named Rumpels... wait, you probably know that part already. This reimagining of the classic fairy tale features two strong-willed sisters: Anya, shy and romantic, and Ingrid, outspoken and sensible. When their widowed mother is once again victim to the judgments of others, she tells a tiny lie -- Anya can turn straw into gold. Soon, the story "spins" out of control when the King believes Anya is the reason their nation is out of money and demands she perform her special skill for the royal coffers. Mix in magical companions, mistaken identities, a short villain, and princess wannabes -- is this a recipe for disaster? Or happily ever after?
- Comedy
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- 90 - 110 minutes
- 15 W, 11 M, 7 Any (23-41 actors possible: 13-23 W, 10-18 M)
Set: Unit set with basic castle wall.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-366-3